Teaching Program
Consultation hours:
R. Brandt: Fridays, 11-12 am (prearrangement by email)
L. Bakota: by email arrangement
"Program winter term 2023/2024"
"Program summer term 2024"
Description of the content of the neurobiology modules and lectures:
"Grundmodul Neurobiologie (Grundlagen der Neurobiologie; in German)"
"Erweiterungsmodul Neurobiologie (Prinzipien der Neurobiologie - Molekulare und zelluläre Grundlagen; in German)"
"Master Module Neurobiology (Development, Functional Systems, Diseases; in English)"
"Lecture Introduction to Neurobiology (in English)"
"Lecture Functional Neuroanatomy (in English)"
"Lecture Sensory Physiology (in English)"
The Department participates in the yearly Summer School “Biomembranes & Cellular Microcompartments”.
Bachelor and Master Theses
"List of Bachelor theses"
"List of Diploma and Master theses"
University-School partnership
The Department participates in the "NaT-Working" project, a University-School partnership in Osnabrück and surroundings. We offer two programs that have been developed together with the Fürstenberg-Gymnasium in Recke:
"Synapsen und Drogen (German)"
"Lernen und Gedächtnis (German)"
"Cooperation with the Fürstenberg-Gymnasium in Recke"
The Department organizes and performs continuing education for teachers ("Neurobiologie macht Schule") and participates in the "Forschungsbörse" of the Ministry of Science and Education (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF).